Saturday, October 20, 2007

2 Peas Blogger Challenge...

Blog about the things you're scared of.. no matter how trivial.. no matter how big.. what kinds of things are you scared of??
Blog about it.

Since I love a good list. here it is....

1. Being like my mother
2. bugs, even butterflies touching long as they don't touch me, I am fine.
3. not accomplishing anything with my life
4. my dh or dd getting hurt or dieing
5. not having control of my emotions
6. drowning
7. getting to retirement and having no money
8. screwing up my kid like my mother has screwed me up
9. not having a good relationship with my daughter
10. my husband or myself losing our job/jobs
11. house burning down or getting broken into
12. losing all my pictures/scrapbooks/my hard drive crashing
13. getting fatter than I already am
14. never being accepted by my brother or sister
15. not having friends

Ok, that is all I can think of...

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