Monday, December 31, 2007

2008 Resolutions

1. Finish at least 52 scrapbook pages.
2. Lose at least 20 lbs.
3. Get to the top 50 on Top Scrapbooking blogs.
4. Keep my car clean ALWAYS starting Jan. 1.
5. Finish reading the bible from cover to cover. I started with Genesis and have reached Psalms so far.
6. Finish reading Living Artfully and begin living its principles.
7. Start seriously working on decorating my scrapbook room.
8. Attend crops and classes at my LSS at least once a month.

Stolen from

One habit you'd like to break totally: Complaining.
One person you'd like to get to know better: To be honest, everyone. I would really like to make more friends and to actually go out with someone else besides one of my family members on a regular basis.
One random act of kindness that you'd like to make a habit this year: Doing more things for my husband.
Something that you'd like to own by the end of 2008: a 12x12 printer/scanner
Something that you'd like to get rid of by the end of 2008: emotional baggage
One change you'd like to see in your life in 2008: More friends and time spent with friends.
One thing you'd like to memorize in 2008: The Girl Scout Law
Something that you'd like to improve on: Journaling on my layouts.
Something you'd like to learn in 2008: digital scrapbooking and to do more Ethnic and complex cooking
Something you're looking forward to this year: My DH and I are going to be married 6 years and I can't wait for the DH to get his yearly bonus and then we can hopefully plan a trip.
One thing you're going to make sure does NOT happen in 2008: I will not go negative in the bank.
Will you try to eat healthier?: UH, YEAH!!!
Will you take up some form of exercise?: well, I want to start walking more and work up to running and then possibly riding a bike.
Will you try to improve your financial situation?: Yes
Will there be any lifelong goals you'll try to accomplish?: I don't really have any life long goals. Is that sad? Except maybe to travel.
Will you move to a new place?: Nope.
What new things will you try for fun and adventure?: Cooking some of my recipes and hopefully going on vacation with the fam.
Will you try a new look?: Yes, I really want to.
Will you try to eat something you've never had before?: yes!
Will you be getting any tattoo's?: no
Will you be getting any piercings: no
Will you try a new hairstyle or color?: YES
Will there be any charities you'll be active in?: Yes
Top 5 Places to go in 08: Disney World, Grand Canyon (highly doubt that will happen though since my DH is afraid of heights), Mexico, new York, Anywhere in the North
Top 5 Things to do in 08: Make more friends, read the bible cover to cover, re-read/finish Living Artfully, finish at least 52 scrapbook pages, lose at least 20 lbs.
Top 5 Ways to improve yourself in 08: lose weight, worry less, obsess less, try not to let mean people get to me, not get as mad at my boss
One new years wish to make your 08 truly happy: More friends, closer relationship with my husband.

Friday, December 28, 2007

2 Peas Blogger Challenge...

What are your scrapping plans for this last weekend of 2007?

Well, I mentioned in a previous post that I am going to an all night scrappy tomorrow night. I am also going to clean up the scrap room today and make at least one page and get stuff ready for the scrappy tomorrow. I can't wait! I did a page yesterday and I have journaling ready for a new page. Which is my new scrappy thing of end of 2007-2008, I will journal before I even touch a picture or piece of paper.

Since I have no life....


Thursday, December 27, 2007

2 Peas Blogger Challenge...

What project are you just ready to start creating now that the holidays are done?

Well, mainly I still have a Christmas gift for my mom to finish. I need to do that ASAP. I am going to an all night scrappy on the 29th and I will finish it then and also work on some pages that I have been thinking about. I really just want to do more scrapping and also begin a journal for my goals for this year and going forward. Or maybe not so much a journal maybe just an LO. I am thinking on my options there.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!

Here is a slideshow from our Christmas!!!

Ok, so the haul list:

From the DH:
1. Mikimoto Pearl Earrings--Isn't he awesome!!
2. HP Photosmart A627 portable printer---I really love this man!
3. New Indigo Girls cd
4. Pink Floyd's The Wall cd
5. Book- Hugs for Scrapbookers
6. Book- Artful Memories by Carol Wingert
7. Book- Where Women Create
8. Book- Celtic Folklore Cooking
9. A key chain that holds 60 digital photos.

From the DD:
1. A hand made book of animals that she made herself. She worked so hard on it and it is just beautiful!
2. Tinkerbell Scrapbook Kit -- for us to do together
3. a horse that for me or for her? LOL
4. A lovely ring she got for $5! I will cherish it always. she is so sweet and was so proud of it.
5. Nightmare Before Christmas CD Soundtrack

from the Sassy (the dog):
dog stamps

from Memop and Emily (the cats):
cat stamps

What a great Christmas!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Santa Picture 2007

Well, here it is. She is too cute, but the santa was not the best I have seen. Still, she was so excited to see him and she had a fantastic time.

2 Peas Blogger Challenge...

What are your Christmas Eve plans?

Well, luckily I have all my presents wrapped. So, tonight I will be working on a last minute gift for the DH and then I will be making cookies for santa with Victoria and we will read the night before Christmas and setting out cookies and a carrot for the reindeer. We will also open one gift. I can't wait until tomorrow to see my daughter's face. She is so excited!

Monday, December 17, 2007

2 Peas Blogger Challenge...

What is one thing you look forward to during these last few days before Christmas?

Right now, I am definitely looking forward to time off from work!!!! I love the opening of gifts and then the leisurely time afterwards where everyone "plays" with their new gifts. I am looking forward to that and to watching my daughter open her gifts and just hanging around the house acting like a bum!! Ok, is that one thing? LOL

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I stole this from another blog:

1. wrapping paper or gift bags? wrapping paper
2. real or artificial? real, they smell so good...
3.when do you put the tree up? Dec. 1
4.when do you take the tree down? after New Years you like egg nog? love it!!!
6.favorite gift recieved as a child? a cabbage patch kid
7.Do you have a nativity scene? yes
9. Easiest person to buy for? My DD
10.Worst christmas gift you ever recieved? canned food...gotta love my grandma!
11.mail or email christmas cards? mail
12.favorite christmas movie- The Christmas Story
14.Have you ever recycled a christmas gift? Nope...
15.Favorite thing to eat at christmas? Russian Teacakes
16.Clear lights or colored on the tree? clear
17.Favorite Christmas song? Breath of Heaven by Amy grant
18. Travel at christmas or stay home? Stay home
19.Can you name all santas reindeer? dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen, comet and cupid, donner and blitzen and rudolph. Is that all?
20.angel on the tree top or star? Star....
21. open presents on christmas eve or christmas morning? One present Chrismas eve, all the rest Christmas day
22. most annoying thing about this time of year...?? not enough money
23.What do you love most about christmas? watching my daughter's face when she sees the presents on Christmas morning.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

More useless info....

1. Would you kiss your neighbor?Uh, no!
.2. What describes your relationship status?Happily Married
3. Where are you?living room
4. What's the last movie you've seen?Santa Clause 3
5. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand is.,,Victoria
6. What is your middle name? No way am I telling, I hate it.
7. Who have you talked to most today?co-workers and patients
8. Do you carve pumpkins every year?of course
9. Color of your underwear?purple
10. Color of your shirt? striped
11. I'm always...too busy
12. Who's on speed dial 2? 4? 6?2 ..Home4...work6....None
13. Honestly, how many seasons of the Simple Life do you own?none
14. What is your favorite season?FALL
15.Good advice of stuff if you go camping? Bring sunscreen
16. Are you a bad influence? sometimes
17. Are you in love?yes
18. Rather have your name or your siblings name?I like my first name, not impressed with my siblings names
19. Would you do anything for someone else?WEll depends on the person
20. Have you ever been called a bitch? At least 10 times a day. I love you bitches too!
21. Best Friend? Sassy
22. What is your ringtone? Brass Monkey
23. What song is on?none the TV is on
24. Are your grades good?not in school
25. Do you ever think people hate you for filling these out?Don't care
26. Does your best friend have a myspace?nope
27. Whose page did you visit last? my other blog...scrapbooking journaling blog
28. Last time you went out to lunch? last week with co-workers
30. Who is your favorite character from Friends?Phoebe or Ross
31. Do you have a tattoo?2
32. Do you want one?nope
33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears CD? yes
34. What did you do last night?read and went to bed
35. Are you a Lost fanatic?no
36. Say you were given a drug test right now. Would you pass or fail?pass
37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?no
38.iPod or Zune?IPOD
39. Do you watch Family Guy regularly?no
40. King of the Hill?NO
41. Do you read trashy romance novels often?ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!
42. What's the last thing you bought?lunch for work
43. What's the last thing someone bought you?dinner
44. Do you ever sing obnoxiously in the shower?yes
45. What's in your CD player right now?Carrie Underwood
46. What's your favorite romance movie?Somewhere in Time
47. Another favorite movie?How to Lose a Guy in 10 days
48. Do you believe everyone has a soulmate?yes
49. Can you sing?yes
50. Do you play any instruments?nope
53. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?I like to be organized at work, but at home it goes to shit
54. Have you ever been to South America or Africa?NOPE...
55. Do you know how to knit?a little.
56. Do you have a job?Yes
57. Have you ever written love song lyrics yourself and put them on mypace?NOPE
58. What are you doing right now besides this survey? watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas
60. Baskin Robbins or Coldstone?Coldstone
61. Physics or chemistry?Chemistry
62. Facebook or Myspace? Blogger :)
63. Do u like balls in your face?lAUGH.. NO
64. Are you a virgin?NO
65. Walk or Run?Walk
66. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars?All of the above
67. Fly or road trip?ROAD TRIP!!
68. Batman, Spiderman, or Superman?SPIDERMAN.. HE IS HOT!!
69. What's your favorite Disney movie?URRR.. RIGHT NOW.. RATATOUILLE