Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Decision

Ok, my new decision is to not complain to anyone at work. So, I will begin complaining on my blog. HA! So, I will be sure and post a warning of work complaints to follow. :)

First complaint, one of the girls in the office...who shall not be named made me really well I would say upset, but more like preterbed. I was talking about how when I interviewed her, that I really liked her. She must have misunderstood me and thought that I was saying that I liked her from the beginning of her time actually working here. Which honestly, I didn't. In fact, sometimes I still don't like her, but I certainly don't mention it because I don't think that it is nice or necessary and certainly doesn't make for a pleasant environment. Anyway, she said "Well, it took a lot of patience on my part to deal with you Stella, a lot of will power." Well, honey all I have to say is that it takes me will power every day to deal with you. Especially, when every day you are snippy and short with me and say rude comments. Trust me, it takes will power! In fact, I am not the only one that has noticed this about you. Everyone who works here has said the same and I would love to see you go work somewhere else honestly. However, I don't say that and I don't bring up the amount of willpower it takes me because it isn't necessary, is rude and does not make for a pleasant environment. Strangely enough, I am not too upset about that. I actually am very serene so far today, however it is only 9 am.

Anyway, at least there are 2 people in the office that I can actually speak to that I can go to them when we have a problem and they can act like adults and discuss it with me. Unfortunately with the previously mentioned person that is not possible.

Then again, sometimes that person does nice things, like she washed my coffee cup for me just now. Which is nice.

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